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Restaurants at Skigaarden

Skigaarden hemsedal ski resort restaurant alacarte chandelier 4

Healthy food and Norwegian traditions. Real skiers needs real food! The location of Skigaardens is a natural place to gather for a tasty lunch.

We have developed some new concepts and are exited to introduce this to our guests! Skigaarden wants to be your meeting place with friends and family, offering good food and an entirly new food experience.

Short travelled food, solid based on Norwegian food traditions. This will be an experience for big and small.

There are four restaurants at Skigaarden.

Book your table by e-mailing

Welcome to a tasty and pleasant food experience!


Opening hours

Autumn holiday (week 40):

Monday-Thursday 12.00-20.00
Friday-Saturday 12.00-21.00
Sunday 11.00-15.30



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