Stolpejakten Hemsedal

The "Stolpejakten" in Hemsedal is an activity offer for EVERYONE, organized by Hemsedal Sports Club, Gol and Hemsedal Red Cross, and Hemsedal Health Association. 48 posts have been placed in our local area around Hemsedal.
"Stolpejakten" in Hemsedal involves finding posts that are strategically placed around our beautiful municipality. Participants can register their post visits on paper, via the website, or by using an app. The goal is to activate people of all ages and abilities, offering everyone a fun and engaging way to explore Hemsedal.
The areas where the posts will be placed include; the town center, Fiskum, Totteskogen, the lift, Hulbak, and Steget.
Stolpejakten is a free service.