Local bus in Hemsedal and Gol-Hemsedal

Use the bus for travel locally in Hemsedal, and between Hemsedal and Gol.
The local bus line 360 between Hemsedal and Gol offers five departures on weekdays and two on weekends. Special timetables for holiday periods and all summer.
Other alternatives are the shuttle bus VY361 (corresponds with selected trains) or the express bus VY170 which both have several departures daily and may also be used locally.
Departures and tickets
See times and get tickest for all of them on vy.no/en or in the Vy-app.
In winter, the ski bus also runs locally in Hemsedal.
No bus available? ContactHemsedal Taxi or Hemsedal Taxisentral to book a taxi. Prebook is you plan ahead.