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to Storøygarden


Welcome to a farm visit in the heart of Hemsedal centre!

Summer 2023 from 1 - 31th of July we have an open farm.

Christin, Even, Alma and Emil live here at Storøygarden. We primarily deal with goats, but also have sheep, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, minipigs, horses, dogs and cats. In addition to the farm operation, we run Hemsedal Dyrehotell.

Our goal is to create a living farm where you can eventually come to eat local food, cuddle with the animals, swim in the waterfall and relax in the sun in the yard.

We look forward to welcoming young and old this summer!

ATTENTION! Fløgovegen closed due to construction work, drive up to the farm via Sollaustvegen.


ATTENTION! Fløgovegen closed due to construction work, drive up to the farm via Sollaustvegen.

Kos og klapp med dyra